I even find the allure of gas stove leak repair hard to describe. It’s so easy to just ignore a tap dripping or a toilet flushing. Anyway a complex symphony of pipes and valves lies lurking behind the surface (to make our daily lives they run as smoothly as possible). Water trickling is not all that plumbing entails; it is rather a complicated stream of creativeness.
Imagine having a hot morning shower. There is the warmth and comfort, seemingly endless, until the chilling cold splash provides the jarring wake up call to print reality. A fitting metaphor for life, really. The only thing about it that was constant was that, one second you were surrounded by heat, the next, suddenly you were plunged into an overwhelming chill.
Don’t pipe mishaps always seem to happen the most inopportune times? They seem to be waiting for you to snuggle into your blanket before they have a little leak. All of a sudden, you are tiptoeing through your house as the water pours all over the place and you’re desperately grabbing towels like you must be on a rescue mission.
You will recall a story of a guy who fixed his dripping faucet and flooded the whole kitchen. It soon became a torrential deluge that had turned into a small fissure. He was splashing about, looking for tools, laughing as he couldn’t control the chaotic things, his partner found him. Sometimes you have to laugh, only after a small amount frustration.
You can make no mistake about it, plumbing problems don’t take long to make a person see red. And yet, so much of it feels reassuring in having professionals tackling such problems so deftly. There are magicians in practical gear who seem to clear up problems with a flick of their tools.
These uncelebrated champions of domestic tranquility are almost the epitome of specialists. They are there whisperers of the water world, some would say. If you have a dripping tap or a groaning toilet, present them with it and they will fix it as though it was a simple trick. Enlisting a private sorcerer who carries a toolbox is like that.
“But could they handle any plumbing predicament?” you wonder. Most likely yes, anything short of sorcery required for your eccentric espresso machine. Either realigning a wandering pipe or confronting a daunting clog they bring to any task an aplomb and a hint of humor.
Don’t overlook routine maintenance. It might sound trivial, but it’s necessary to avoid disaster and everything running as planned. But without the teeth looms, glaring beady eyes, and judgemental glances.
It is in fact, ultimately far from an elusive riddle. As a PN, it’s all about the way it crumbles, repairing when it needs to, the comfort of a reliable system that doesn’t require constant digging around for parts. I never knew that pipes had such life lessons but it does. Next time you meet, as the case may be, a plumber, just a nod, just a friendly wave might do the trick. They are the quiet conductors keeping everything in order in our homes.